Power of Prayer radio is a place where you can experience the Power of Prayer in full force. With broadcast like the Power of Prayer and Intercession with Dr. Danielle, Midnight Cry and the Prophetic Hour, you are sure to experience a touch from God. Not only will you experience great prayers and Biblical declarations you will also be treated to the latest worship and gospel music and enjoy times of soaking with worship music that creates an atmosphere of breakthrough.
Founder and host Dr. Danielle Wright is a highly anointed, vibrant, and powerful prophetess and intercessor who has been given the keys to unlock and lock, to bind and to loose, and uproot and to plant. With an accurate and authentic prophetic anointing that God has placed inside her, the capacity in which He uses her is astounding! As she goes forth, lives are changed, bound men and women are set free, and the glory and the manifestation of God’s presence is revealed!
Among her accomplishments, Dr. Wright holds a Bachelor of Theology, Master of Divinity and a Doctorate in theology with an emphasis in Prayer and Worship. She has ministered in London, Africa, Russia, and throughout North America. She is also the author of Change Your Atmosphere and Songs from the Heart. In addition, Dr. Wright is a recording artist and has just re-released a CD entitled “Rhema Worship” for anointed powerful worship.
Over the years, Dr. Danielle has operated and served in multiple facets of kingdom building, including serving on ministers' and elders' boards; developing and instructing curriculum and course design; establishing and/or heading women's ministries, intercessory prayer ministries; worldwide crusades and conferences. In addition, she leads thousands in prayer over the radio airwaves Monday through Friday on her morning radio show, “The Power of Prayer” on KERI. For prayer call 1.888.519.0404 or visit our website at www.powerofprayerradio.com